7 FAQs Around Feline Communication
We humans take the help of languages to communicate with one another. But what about our feline pets? How do they interact with other feline fur babies? Since there is no particular cat language that humans or cats are aware of, there must be other ways kitty cats convey messages.
Feline fur babies often use their facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations to tell what’s on their minds. A cat parent can easily spot behavioral changes in their pet based on the variations in the before-mentioned factors.
Excessive vocalization, withdrawal symptoms or aggression, and many other signs can say something is wrong with the kitty. Cat owners must take their furry pet for a vet consultation in times like these. Negative behaviors must be nipped in the bud so they don’t become chronic health issues.
Cat insurance can help support a fluffy fur ball with top-notch medical care during accidents, injuries, health emergencies, and more. The best pet insurance helps cat parents manage unforeseen vet bills more effectively during particular cat illnesses, dental conditions, etc.
However, pet insurance doesn’t cover cat behavioral issues unless an underlying health problem is a reason for its unfavorable conduct. So, consider purchasing a pet policy but only after assessing your furry little one’s health needs, the level of coverage provided by various policies, and checking if the policy fits in your budget.
In the meantime, read this article to learn about the most common FAQs around feline communication.
Q1:Do cats talk to each other?
Yes, feline pets mew to talk to each other. However, it isn’t the only means of cat communication. Kitties can yowl, snarl, growl, trill, hiss, or use scent marks or different body movements to tell things.
Q2:Can cats decode each other’s mews?
Yes, cats understand what other fur babies are trying to say through the tone, pitch, loudness, and frequency of the mews. Cats can even greet each other by meowing.
Q3:Do cats and pups interact with each other?
Through observation and prolonged exposure to cat and dog sounds, fur babies can read the meaning of other furry animals’ vocalizations.
For instance, a puppy used to living with a fluffy fur ball for a long time mostly knows about its habits. So, a puppy will know when to approach a kitty, play with it, back off, etc.
Q4:Do cats accept other kitties as their fur siblings or friends?
Sometimes they will, and other times they won’t. Young cats can take a few days, weeks, months, or more to get used to other fur babies. There are cases where some cats may not get along even in a lifetime. Some cats coexist, have private territories under the same roof, and don’t interact for the reasons best known to them.
Q5:How do cats communicate with humans?
“Mewing” helps a lot to elicit a human’s response. Kitty has tried and tested it in the past and knows it is a quick way to get a human’s attention and summon help for servicing their needs. Cats are more vocal towards their human parents than other pets.
Q6:Do cats spray to communicate?
Unspayed and non-neutered cats most likely spray to mark boundaries. Yes, it is one way they choose to tell the rest of the world that a particular place/s belongs to them.
Q7:Why do cats rub their heads, paws, and tails?
Cats leave scent marks to keep track of the places they have visited. Sniffing a scent mark left by them lowers their stress and anxiety and makes them feel safer. Also, cats scent mark other fur babies belonging to the same litter and other furry members of their group for identification purposes.
Even when fur babies can have pleasant interactions, there are times when things can go haywire. When furry people flock to a place, quarrels, misunderstandings, and disagreements are possible. Cat insurance is essential, so feline pet owners have a potential medical financial backup during accidents, injuries, and other health emergencies.
The best pet insurance can cover fur balls for broader-ranging health conditions compared to other cheaper pet plans. So, cat owners can stop thinking about considering a pet insurance purchase and start acting instead.