If you are moving out of your house for college and will be living your life on your own with full independency then you might want to consider these essential things that one must have in order to be better adjusted to college life. The items listed below are not complete, there might be some that are essential for some due to their lifestyle. Here are some of the most basic essentials when going to college.
Kitchen Utensils
This cannot be emphasized enough but you need some kitchen utensils if you are to survive your college life sustainably and independently. So, when you live on your own one of the things that becomes your priority is your daily food expenses, this is the part where you get to appreciate your parents serving you ready-to-eat food at home.
So, if you want to live within sustainable means you have to learn to cook or at least know how to prepare food in the kitchen, thus the need for plates, a pan, a heater or a portable oven or stove, and anything that will help you make food for yourself and not rely on food that is sold outside.

Clean Presentable clothes
You need a variety of clean presentable clothes so that you can have various choices and various social activities that you can attend. You have to have your clothes organized as well. As you will most likely be sharing a room with practically a stranger, you must also take note of your undergarments as well.
Old dilapidated undergarments must be disposed of or should not be brought at all to the new place. For men, you can find quality mens underwear in local department stores or in online shops. You also have to get ready for format suits as you will be needing those when looking for jobs or going to formal social gatherings. Not to mention that you also have to have various sets of shoes for different occasions.
Go-to Backpack
This backpack will be your best friend for the rest of your college life, so have one that is sturdy, aesthetic, and dependable. Have one that has so many compartments so you can fit stuff in it. You can bring stuff that you need for academic activities and also you can fit stuff in it that is for your own hygiene and comfort such as extra shirts, hoodies, laptops, cameras, or extra phones. It also needs to be presentable so that you can bring it anywhere without being embarrassed, or better yet have more backpacks so you can have a spare.
These things are deemed to be very important as they will be the freshman’s arsenal in surviving in college, and yes one could argue that they can just buy things, but then again not everyone has enough budget to go on a shopping spree before college. Plus, you need these things in order to be better adaptable in your transition from dependent to fully independent from your parents.